Megaventory allows you to store the addresses of your clients in an organized way by putting specific address data into relevant fields. As an example take a look at the next image demonstrating how you can fill in the address information when creating a Sales Order:
As addresses come in different patterns transfer from nonstructured to structured address cannot be reliably automated by Megaventory. Therefore, it is necessary for all our customers to manually organize the address data into the separated fields. So, if your database stores all the address data in one field, you can either put all the data for example in the Address Line1 that is shown in the previous image, or manually separate the data into the relevant fields.
In order to fill in the address information of your clients, go to Clients > View Clients and fill in the relevant address fields. Below you can see how the client data page looks like.
To make the import of client address data easier you can use a spreadsheet. Therefore, you can fill in all the information for all your clients at once and upload it into Megaventory. To do so, go to Data Import > Clients and download the spreadsheet as shown on the next image and then continue with next steps.
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