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Ship on Consignment / Sales Invoice
Dimitris Athanasiadis avatar
Written by Dimitris Athanasiadis
Updated over 4 years ago

The two documents that ship products to a client are the Ship on Consignment and the Sales Invoice documents. Both share the same common interface. Adding such documents can be done directly by creating the Sale - Shipment document or against a Sales Order.

In case the user chooses to use the Sale - Shipment module, the choice of the document (either Shipment or Sales Invoice) is possible from the drop-down selection option. Then, adding the document to the account requires -at minimum- the setting of the Client and the insertion of at least one Product row in the Product Details form. The rest of the document header fields (such as the Document Comments or Document Tags) and the document tabs (for example the Product Details tab) are similar to those described in the Sales Order document. An exception is the display of an extra Shipment Tracking tab which includes the tracking information (Shipping Provider Name and Tracking ID) of that shipment.

The document can then be either saved as Pending (Draft) or Approved. In case the document is saved as Pending it will be assigned a temporary id of the form β€œ--β€œ and will not have any effect (no quantity changes) in the account other than that it remains saved for future work or for review (since the rows under the Product Details tab remains open for editing).

  • A Pending document can be deleted from the account.

Alternatively, in case the document is Approved, the document is assigned a number, the Product Details tab becomes non-editable and the user should choose an Inventory Location where products are shipped from. Approving the document will immediately reduce the quantity of those Products included in the document.

The user may also choose to set the Shipping Provider Name and the Tracking ID of the shipment. The tracking information will be then added to the Shipping Tab of the current document.

  • An Approved document can be reverted to Pending.

  • An Approved document cannot be deleted.

  • An Approved document can be cancelled. This option lies under the extended options of the document.

  • Approving a document is an irreversible action. Correcting a mistake in the Product Details form (for example a Product quantity or pricing mistake) can only be achieved by cancelling the whole document and adding it again in the account. The action of cancelling (voiding) a document reverts all the quantity/cost/revenues effects that were applied when the document was approved. The cancelled document will remain on the list and will retain its document number.

Once saved as Pending or Approved, the document can be printed or emailed by clicking the respective print/email icons at the header of the Sale - Shipment document. More printing/emailing options include printing a Picking Slip, a Packing Slip and a Delivery Slip. The Picking and Packing Slips are to be used internally and do not include client or product pricing information. The Delivery Slip includes the client information but does not include product pricing information.

The Extended Options are common to all Document Templates and appear under the More button.

The Cancel Document operation reverts all the effects that were applied with the Approved operation. As such the stock -for the products included in the document- is decreased and their unit cost is adjusted accordingly. A cancelled document remains in the list for reference and retains its document number.

  • Cancelling a document is an irreversible action.

The Copy Document operation creates a new document that is of the same Document Template and is an exact copy - in terms of the document header details and Product Details - of the current one. The new document is created in the Pending state.

The Pin Products to Clipboard adds the products included in the document -together with their quantities- to the Clipboard.

To conclude all the actions related to the Shipment document, the user may mark it as Closed. A closed document cannot be cancelled and its header fields become non-editable.

  • Closing a document is an irreversible action.

If a Shipping Provider and a Tracking ID has been provided, those are listed under the Shipment Tracking tab of the Shipment document. Clicking the Shipment Tracking link will open up a new browser tab with the tracking information of the specific shipment.

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