Previous article: How To Implement Material Requirements Planning?
The current planning module is provided as a pilot in beta mode and by
means of an integration with a 3rd party service. The features supported
are those described in this Knowledge Base section only - additional
functionality may be able to be provided on a case-by-case basis.
The Megaventory data synchronization and all overall planning processes are automated and run on a nightly basis. The planner can also manually trigger their execution using the “Process Invocation” view, accessible through the main application menu – “Item Administration” item, “Process Invocation” sub-item.
To execute a process, first click to select it in the list then click the “Execute Process” button. It is important to note that some processes may take a significant amount of time to complete.
Generate new plans for all items
Τhis generates production plans for all manufactured items, calculates dependent demand for all materials, and generates purchase plans for all purchased items.
Generate new inventory policies and new plans for all items
Τhis first generates and publishes inventory policies, then continues the same as “Generate new plans for all items” - it generates production plans, dependent demand, and purchase plans for all items.
Generate new forecasts for all items
Τhis calculates and publishes the forecasts for all items.
Export data to Megaventory
Use it to automatically create work orders and purchase orders in Megaventory corresponding to the firmed production plans and firmed purchase plans.
Import data from Megaventory
Ιmport latest transactional data changes from Megaventory: sales orders, purchase orders, work orders, etc.
Next article: Inventory Planning and Data Visibility - Purchase Orders