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Taxes, Discounts and Product Pricing
Adding/Deleting/Updating a Discount
Adding/Deleting/Updating a Tax
What are Discounts and Taxes and when to use them
How can I apply a lump sum (total) discount at the end of a sales document (such as a Sales Order or a Sales Invoice) instead of a per row discount?
How can I apply a lump sum (total) discount at the end of a purchase document (such as a purchase Order or a Purchase Bill) instead of a per row discount?
Example: How to make sure product X has a price of 100 USD at 1-10 units, a price of 50 USD at 11-50 units and a price for 10 USD for 51+ units?
How can I tell which pricing rule the final price in my order results from?
How do I set a product's default price to be the Supplier Purchase Price?
Adding/Deleting/Updating a Pricing Rule
What are Pricing Rules