How to obtain the WooCommerce - Megaventory integration
The extension can be downloaded from the official WooCommerce marketplace. Upgrades will be handled automatically once available in the WooCommerce marketplace.
Developers and WooCommerce admins can also find the extension in GitHub by clicking at Clone or Download and then Download Zip. The file is the plugin in zip format so after you download it, you can directly upload it in your WooCommerce setup. To do that, please log in to your WooCommerce admin panel and click at 'Plugins'->'Add New'->'Upload Plugin' and then 'Activate'. Please note that this method will not receive automatic upgrades. The WooCommerce administrator is responsible for downloading the latest version of the plugin.
To test the extension thoroughly you should create a new test WooCommerce setup and enable the integration to this setup before linking your production WooCommerce to Megaventory.
How to set up the WooCommerce - Megaventory integration
Before starting the process of integration make sure the following requirements are met:
Make sure all the WooCommerce products have an SKU and a short description. Products without an SKU and a short description will be ignored by the plugin.
The plugin treats two products with the same SKU as the same product. If there are any different products with matching SKUs, their details will be overwritten. Before starting the process please ensure that all different products have unique SKUs.
All product variations need unique SKUs to be correctly synchronized with Megaventory. These SKUs must be different from each other and the SKU of the base product.
Make sure there are no taxes with the same name and rate (allowed in WooCommerce, but not in Megaventory). When the plugin is active it prevents users from editing names and rates. If you want to make any changes, do them before starting the integration.
Make sure there are no coupons with the same name (allowed in WooCommerce) as this may cause synchronization problems in the long run.
If you have already set up WooCommerce, start from step 3.
Set up a WordPress website.
Download the WooCommerce extension from the WordPress plugin store, add it to your website ( and activate it.
Add the Megaventory plugin to your website.
Go to the Plugins page on your WordPress website.
Press Add New button.
6. Press Upload Plugin.
7. Press Choose File, find and press Install Now.
8. Following a successful installation, press Activate Plugin. Go to step i.
9. Search Megaventory.
10. Press Install.
11. Press Activate.
12. You should be redirected to the Plugins page and see the following message:
13. Log in to your Megaventory account as an administrator.
14. Go to My Profile.
15. Go to Account Integrations and enable the WooCommerce integration.
16. Click Save.
17. Again, go to My Profile and generate API Key by clicking the blue key.
18. The API Key field should now contain a sequence of letters, numbers, and the ‘@’ sign. Copy it to the clipboard and press Update to save changes.
19. Go back to your WordPress account and open the settings of the Megaventory plugin.
20. Paste your API Key into the Megaventory API Key field and confirm by clicking on Update.
The host should be
21. The following error may appear:
22. This error does not appear if the main Megaventory currency and the WooCommerce currency are the same. If the above error does not appear, skip to step 24.
23. To resolve the previous error go to the WooCommerce settings:
24. In Currency options choose the one corresponding to the primary currency in your Megaventory account.
25. To check what your main currency in Megaventory is, go to Settings and choose Currencies.
26. Now you should see this message:
Go to the Megaventory plugin and press Initialize. This may take a few minutes depending on the number of records in Megaventory and WooCommerce. Do not interrupt this process. If the process is interrupted, repeat this step until it succeeds.
This step:
-Creates a guest client in Megaventory which will be assigned all orders made by clients without an account
-Creates a shipping product in Megaventory as service which will be used for order's shipping cost
-Creates a new Location in Megaventory if does not exist
-Prepares your simple and variation products to be synchronized
-Associates matching taxes between Megaventory and WooCommerce (the ones with the same name and rate) and creates new taxes in Megaventory, if needed.
Please note that this process only enables the communication between WooCommerce and Megaventory. It is strongly advised to also perform all actions specified in the next section (Synchronization) to synchronize data (products, clients, taxes, discounts) before moving forward.