In order to start producing a good, you will first have to create the product code you will produce. Click on Products and Services > New Product - Service.
Since you are creating a new product code that is meant to be manufactured, remember to set the product type as “Manufacture From Production Order” or “Buy From Supplier/Manufacture From Production Order”.
Further down, click the requirement for serial numbers:
You can now head to Production > New Bill of Materials and choose the product (Finished Good or subassembly) you want to produce, and create its Bill of Materials that may or may not include serialized products together with their quantity.
Once the Bill of Materials is ready, go to Production > New Order, type in the product code you want to produce, the inventory location in which you’ll produce, and the quantity. You can also add other detailed information such as an Order Reference (a description for the order being created) and use custom documents for this Production run (so that you can have different headers shown).
By clicking on Create Order and then Allocate, you’ll reach a table similar to this, where you’ll have to allocate materials. You can either input the Finished Good quantity you want to produce for automatic calculation of material quantity, or manually input individual material quantity to allocate.
Remember that if you are working with serial numbers, you will also have to provide the serial numbers of the serialized goods you are using.
When your production process is over and you click on Receive Finished Goods, you’ll also have to assign a serial number to the Finished Goods.
After this, you can go ahead and close the production order.
If instead of manufacturing a product with a single level of production, you would like to produce a good with more than one levels of production (a top-level product that has subassemblies to be made first from the Raw Materials), head to this article where we explain both types of manufacturing processes step by step.
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