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Adding a Sales Quote
Dimitris Athanasiadis avatar
Written by Dimitris Athanasiadis
Updated over 4 years ago

A Sales Quote can be created by selecting the client and the product and then be saved either as Pending (Draft) or as Approved.

You can create a new Sales Quote from the Sales section of the menu by clicking on the New Sales Quote link.

This will trigger the following document creation page:

The Client field can be automatically populated by start typing text that is either included in the Client’s name, the Client’s phone 1 or phone 2, the Client’s e-mail address or the tax ID of the Client. Adding the Client Name will automatically populate the Billing Address and Shipping Address fields according to the Client definition. It will also populate the main Contact name of the Client (if a default Contact has been assigned under the Client chosen). In case the Client is a new one and does not exist in the account, the user may click the icon next to the Client textbox to add on-the-fly a new Client to the account.

The SKU field in the Product Details tab can be populated by starting typing text that is either included in the SKU code, the Product Description, the Product Version, the EAN code (barcode) or the Supplier SKU of the Product definition. Adding the SKU code will automatically populate the Product Description, Product Version and Unit Price fields according to the Product definition. In case the SKU is not found in the account, the user will get notified to add on-the-fly a new Product to the account.

The Sales Quote Comments field may accommodate any comments related to the Sales Quote process. This text will be visible in the printout of the Sales Quote. The Sales Quote Tags may accommodate any comma separated keywords to describe the Sales Quote (for example, “Priority, Approved”, etc.). This text will not be visible in the printout of the Sales Quote.

The Sales Quote can initially be either saved as Pending (draft) or Approved. Either of these actions assigns a number to the Sales Quote. If the Sales Quote is saved as Pending, the Product Details tab remains open for editing. Alternatively, if the Sales Quote is Approved, the Product Details tab becomes non-editable. An Approved Sales Quote can be later reverted to Pending if such an action is needed (for example to correct/amend a quantity or a price error). This action unlocks the Product Details tab and allows for the editing of Products and Product attributes (for example, prices, quantities, etc.).

Once saved as Pending or Approved, the Sales Quote can be printed or emailed by clicking the respective print/email icons at the header of the Sales Quote.

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