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Adding/Updating/Deleting a Supplier
Dimitris Athanasiadis avatar
Written by Dimitris Athanasiadis
Updated over 3 years ago

To update an already existing Supplier in Megaventory, first you need to open your Suppliers list by clicking on Suppliers > View Suppliers from the menu on the left:

Then you can click the name of the supplier you want to update and you will be transfered to the supplier edit page where you can make any changes you want.

To add a new Supplier in Megaventory, you should select Suppliers > New Supplier from the left menu:

Adding a new supplier to the account requires -at minimum- the setting of the compulsory field of the supplier Name.

The supplier Name should include the full official name of the business or organization. This name will be used in all the documents and document printouts that are related to this supplier.

The supplier Address refers to the billing address of the supplier. This address will be populated by default once this supplier is chosen in a document (for example a Sales or a Purchase Order).

The Pick up Address refers to the pick up address for the supplier. This pick up address will be populated by default once this supplier is chosen in a document (for example a Sales or a Purchase Order). A secondary Pick up Address 2 can be set and chosen at the time of creating a document that involves this supplier.

A short description of the supplier or any extra information may be added in the Supplier Comments field.

In case the e-mail address is filled in, it will be automatically populated in the e-mail Address field in the e-mail template when a user chooses to e-mail the printout of a document. Multiple e-mail addresses per supplier can be added provided they are separated by the comma (,) character.

The supplier uniqueness in megaventory is defined by the combination of the supplier name and the supplier email. This means a Megaventory account can have:

"John Doe" ""

"John Doe" ""

as two different and discrete supplier entities.

The Tax ID of the supplier may be needed by certain authorities. If added it will be visible in all the document printouts that are related to this supplier.

If the Grant read & write permissions for this Supplier to all the users of the account flag is checked, then, all users of the account will automatically gain read/write access to this new supplier upon its creation. This only affects the extended user access permissions that are related to the supplier and does not affect the rest of the user access permissions at the module level or at the inventory location level. For example, if a user X of the account has read & write access permissions to create Purchase Orders, then, if this supplier is created and the Grant read & write permissions for this Supplier to all the users of the account flag is checked, the user X will be immediately be able to create a Purchase Order for this supplier.

The Contacts that are defined under a supplier can be viewed and updated by clicking the View/Update Contacts link.

  • A supplier Name and email cannot be the same as an existing supplier’s Name and email

  • A supplier Name and email cannot be the same as a deleted supplier’s Name and email

  • The deletion of a supplier who has been assigned as a supplier to one or more products will affect the products under this supplier.

  • This module is also accessible by the SupplierClientUpdate API function. For more, visit the Megaventory API layer.

  • To browse the list of your deleted Suppliers, click on Show Deleted Suppliers on the bottom of your Suppliers list.

  • To restore deleted Suppliers, select them from the list and click on Un-delete. Click here for detailed instructions.

  • Suppliers may also be added and/or updated through the Data Import module:

Deleting a Main Supplier

The deletion of a supplier -that has been assigned as a main supplier to one or more products-, will leave the products unassigned. allows all those products to be either: a) assigned to another main supplier by manual selection, b) assigned to another main supplier by automatic selection or c) deleted.

If you delete a supplier form the main view, all products linked to this supplier will automatically be unassigned from this supplier. You can later assign these products to another supplier.

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