To add a new user, click on the Add User button on your Settings section under Users. Alternatively, you can click on Add User after visiting View Users & Permissions.
Adding a new user to the account requires choosing the User Name, setting the Password, and adding a valid e-mail. All three fields are compulsory.
Once the user is successfully added by clicking on the Add User option, an automated e-mail message (to the e-mail address provided) is sent to the user with login instructions. The page is then immediately redirected to the User Access Permissions module.
To update an existing user, the User Name of the respective user should be clicked. To update the user access permissions, the Edit User Permissions option should be clicked.
The e-mail and Password of an existing user can also be updated. In such a case, the administrator may also generate and assign an API key to the user in question by clicking the API key icon on the page. The API layer can be utilized by 3rd party developers to build apps that communicate with Megaventory.
Leaving the Set new Password field blank will retain the existing password of the user.
In case the user is deleted, all user access permission information is also deleted.
The API key is a password and should be treated as a password.
The user access permissions are also effective to the API functionality: If a user has no access to an Inventory Location in the Megaventory application, the user will also not have access to this Inventory Location through the API layer.
Adding/Deleting/Updating a user requires administrator access to the account.
Or login to your account.