The Shopify integration is written in C# and is incorporated into the core Megaventory application. It uses Megaventory libraries to communicate with Megaventory, and the library ShopifySharp to communicate with Shopify. ShopifySharp is a 3rd party library that wraps around Shopify API. It is free, elegant and very well documented and officially recommended by Shopify.
Integration from Shopify to Megaventory happens using Shopify webhooks. Webhooks are registered by the application when the integration is activated.
Upon activation, the URL of where the integration app is hosted is passed to Shopify.
When certain actions are triggered (Product create/update, order create, etc.) Shopify sends a post request to the given URL.
This post request is interpreted by the application and the corresponding entities are updated.
We create different webhooks per action per Megaventory domain.
Associated entities
The following entities are relevant in the two systems and are associated:
Please refer to the rest of the Megaventory Knowledge Base for details on each entity's rules of synchronization.