To add a new Currency in Megaventory, you need to open your Currencies list by clicking on the Megaventory icon and selecting View Currencies from the menu on the left:
Click on the Add Currency button to add a new currency in your account:
Adding a new currency to the account requires choosing the Currency Code from a list of available currencies and adding the Currency Symbol.
A currency symbol is a graphic symbol used as shorthand for a currency’s name. For example, $ or €. If such a symbol does not exist, users should add the three letter code of the currency according to the ISO 4217 specifications (for example, GBP, MXN, etc.). A Show in Reports checkbox flag denotes whether the Currency added will be available in Reports.
Businesses that need to report only in their main/base currency should always leave the Show in Report option unchecked.
Once a currency is defined, no other field except the Currency Symbol can be updated for that currency.
A currency can be deleted unless it has been used in a document (for example a Sales Order).
A currency cannot have the same Currency Code or Currency Symbol as an existing currency.
A currency cannot have the same Currency Code or Currency Symbol as a deleted currency.
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