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Does your system allow for barcode scanning?
Does your system allow for barcode scanning?
Dimitris Athanasiadis avatar
Written by Dimitris Athanasiadis
Updated over 4 years ago

Yes, you may use any barcode scanner with Megaventory to fill in the rows of documents (eg. Purchase/Receipt, Sales/Shipment, Sales/Purchase Orders).

To enable this, please check the option "Products are added using a barcode scanner" when creating a document. You will then be able to scan each product code and the system will automatically move on to the next row, enabling the filling of rows in an automatic manner. If the checkbox is not enabled, make sure that the row is not in editing mode.

Also, you may use a barcode scanner when you receive products against a Purchase Order or when you ship products against a Sales Order. In that case, you can set all the quantities to zero by selecting the option to the left. Then, place the cursor in the text box to the right as shown below and start scanning:

Finally, you can use a barcode scanner when you pick products to be shipped against multiple Sales Orders. Navigate to the list of your Sales Orders, select the Sales Orders to be shipped and click on the arrow next to the printer icon and select Pick By Sublocation:

That brings the picking app pop-up window in which the picker can use a scanner to pick products:

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